Monday, February 24, 2014

Characters All Around Us

In class, I heard these two girls talking about how one of them did not want to go on a date with some guy who has apparently been repeatedly asking her out. I’ve heard them talk before, because I sit right next to them in every one of our classes coincidentally. The “talker,” we’ll name Kayla, seems like the type of girl who is overly confident in themselves, and not in a good way. You might put her into the “snob” archetype. It seemed to me that her motivation was to be wanted but to reject the poor guy who just wants to have lunch and get to know her better. For all she knows, he could just want to be friends because he likes her personality. The “listener,” we’ll name Susan, seems like the more down to earth, innocent, agreeing type of girl. You could put her into the “girl next door” archetype. This girl used the pseudo listening skills by merely agreeing to our “talker” in this situation and asking some small questions, letting the “talker” lead most of the conversation. She said things like, “Mhm, sounds like he’s very interested in you.” And our “talker” replies, “Of course he wants to date me, but I kept giving him excuses like I’m too busy to go have lunch or coffee with him. I’m totally not interested.” How can these two girls possibly be put into a friendship together? What could they possibly have in common?

Kayla: So guess who I ran into yesterday at that club meeting I told you about! *smirks*

Susan: Who?

Kayla: It was Dan, AGAIN. Honestly, that boy is trying way too hard. I was on the phone with my mom on my way back to my room and he overheard me talking to her. I lied and told my mom I wasn’t walking home alone and then he ran over to me like automatically.

Susan: What did he say?

Kayla: He just asked me to go on a date with him for like the millionth time. *rolls eyes* I keep telling him I’m too busy, hoping he’ll just stop.

Susan: Oh, yeah. Maybe he’ll get the hint sometime soon.

Kayla: You know what I had to pull? The boyfriend card. Yeah. He just won’t stop. He literally will not take no for an answer.

Susan: Yeah, that totally sucks.

Kayla: He kept asking me for a time when I’m not busy and I was viciously racking my brain for anything to say to get out of it. *she says as she flails her arms showing her “racking her brain”*

Susan: *chuckles a little* Poor guy.

Kayla: He asked me for a date, to go to lunch, to go to dinner, or to go for coffee and I was finally just like, ya know I really just can’t, I’m sooooo busy, sooorrrrry. And plus, I could totally never see myself with a guy like him.

Susan: Yeah, definitely not.

Kayla: He’s really not my type and I don’t know how to gently tell him I’m not interested. Like AT ALL. It’s like there’s really no way he’ll understand.

Susan: *laughs more* Sounds like you’ve got a real problem on your hands.

Kayla: *laughs* Yeah, can you imagine having someone like that constantly following you around waiting for you to finally just go out with him. It’s kind of sad actually. He really should just get the hint already. It’s a good thing he doesn’t have my number.

Susan: Oh man, what if he did?

Kayla: I really don’t know what I’d do with myself. I’d probably have to go into hiding! *one loud laugh* HA!

Susan: *smirks* Ha, I guess so. What else could you do?

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